Let us be a part of making your mission a reality


  • Policies and Procedures Review

    Whether you have existing policies and procedures or are starting from scratch, our Policy and Procedure Review service is here to assist you. We offer a comprehensive evaluation and enhancement of your current policies, or we can help you create new ones tailored to your organization's specific needs. This service includes two calls to determine your needs. Book your first one to get started.

  • Chart of Accounts Restructuring

    Restructuring the Chart of Accounts aims to optimize your organization's financial management processes by streamlining and improving the structure of your accounting system. We will enhance financial clarity, reporting accuracy, and operational efficiency by carefully reorganizing the Chart of Accounts. This service includes two calls to determine your needs. Book your first one to get started.

  • 1 on 1 Training

    Our 1-on-1 approach ensures the training is personalized to your needs and challenges. We work closely with you, offering practical solutions and addressing your concerns. You'll gain hands-on experience, allowing you to apply your newly acquired knowledge directly to your organization's financial operations.

    *Rate is per hour